Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Interesting quotes found within the book! ;D

In this blog, my teacher has asked me to find quotes or statements that I found interesting and expand on what i think they are saying.  Since my book is mostly written on facts and the truth about many restaurant, it will not be very hard to find something interesting.

One statement that I found cool was one on page 68 were the author tells about fast food restaurants saying that, "Instead of relying upon a small, stable, well-paid , and well-trained workforce, the fast food industry seeks out part-time, unskilled workers who are willing to accept low pay." This show that many fast food places try to only  hire teenagers, because they fit the job perfectly.  As you read on in the book he talks about how these restaurants try and make tasks very simple.  Many places think that their should be no training involved when hiring someone.  They think it should be that easy and can picked up fast.

On page 83 the author states that, "America's fast food restaurant are now more attractive to armed robbers than convenience store, gas stations, or banks."  This is sad but makes a lot of sense.  I mean think about it, if you were trying to rob somewhere a fast food restaurant would be the perfect place.  There is going to be lots of loose cash, mostly teenagers working, and going at night when their are few people around to see, and few people that are working.  Many banks and gas stations use credit cards mostly, and a lot of these places are starting to have shields to protect their costumers.

On page 107 we started to hear about the event that Dave Feamster took some of his employs at Little Caesars too.  He talks about many famous people and their speeches that they gave.  One that popped out to me was the one by Christopher Reeves, or "Superman" where he speaks about the meaning of success.  "I see people who achieve these conventional goals, none of it even matters."  He is trying to tell people that only caring about how rich or successful you are doesn't really matter.  He was a very successful man after filling "Superman", but then had a terrible accident which caused him to be paralyzed from the neck down.  He soon came to realize that none of that actually mattered.

Mr. Dunn has asked us to look on to another one of our classmates blog and find a level three question about our book that we posted last week.

Ben asked:
2.  What kind of affect does fast food have on your everyday life?

There are so many ways that fast food plays into your everyday life.  Whether it is sitting at home watching T.V or driving through town going by all of the restaurants.  There have been many times that I have wanted to stop by and grab a bit to eat at one of the fast food places since their food and drinks are so cheep.  I try and stop myself by realizing how bad it is for you.  It is also very convenient  if you are in a hurry and are needing some food just to pull into one of the many restaurants along the side of the road. So yes fast food does effect me everyday, and I know that it effects many other people in the same ways it effects me. 

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