Wednesday, February 29, 2012


While our class was reading "Dimension" we had an online discussion about the book.  Mr. Dunn would ask us questions and we would all respond, and base our answers off what other people had said. We also could post questions we had about the book and have other classmates answer them for us.  This is the link to our online discussion......

The Only Traffic Signal on the Reservation Doesn't Flash Red Anymore

For this short story blog I decided to choose ten websites I have found  that could help someone understand the story "The Only Traffic Signal on the Reservation Doesn't Flash Red Anymore."  This story has to do with Indians that live on a reserve, and their life, so I figured I could find many websites having to do with this.

This is the official website of Alexie Sherman.
Here is a short bio of Alexie Shemans life.
This has information about the tribe that Alexie Sherman grew up in.
This website talks about the history and complications of Indian reserves.
This shows a map and the names of all the Indian tribes in America.
This shows many of the famous native american athletes.
This is a reenactment based on the short story.
A summary and theme of the story.
This talks about the drop out rate of Native Americans.
This shows the percentage of Native Americans that go to colleges, and many other stats about them.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mary Hood

We recently read Mary Hood, a short story about a teenage girl having to live with her grandma in what seems to be like a very small town in the country.  The girl hates it there and spend most of her time in her room, or complaining to her grandma.  Her grandma is very old school, and stays true to what she grow up doing.  The girl doesn't realize how much her grandma actually meant until she saved her life while hiding in a swap trying to escape from people trying to kill them.
I made this pictures on I think this goes along with the story because the girl feels locked in her grandmas house.  She isn't really allowed to go anywhere, but even if she was, there is no where to go.  The quote I put in side was, "I hate it here." This describes how she feels and what she tells her grandma.

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On the Rainy River

For this blog I decided to make an Animoto for the short story On the Rainy River.  If you don't no what an Animoto is, it is like a short book trailer.  I hope you like it!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Follow up of the short story Blood

     I am starting to write a new blog, no longer will I be blogging about my independent reading book.  I will now be talking about our short stories that we read in class.  We will be reading multiple short stories and Mr. Dunn assigned us many different prompts that we can choice from to blog about.  Our first story is Blood by Zdravka Evtimova.  I have decided to do to the prompt that causes you to create a follow up to a store that was left untold.  Blood really leaves you with a cliff hanger, and you could come up with many conclusions. So here goes my ending...

     I wasn't sure what I was suppose to do.  Finally I had costumers coming to my shop, but they didn't want to buy anything from my shop, they only wanted my blood.  The mob was still chanting "Blood of a Mole".  They all started coming closer, surrounding the door making it impossible for me to get out.  The doors were still locked, so I had a little time to think about what I was going to do.  I wanted to help these people, but then I would be putting my on life into danger. I needed to make my decision fast, I was running out of time.  The mob was getting louder and coming closer to my shop. 

     I looked through my shop and realized there wasn't much to offer.  I could kill some of my animals and give their blood to the screaming mob, but the blood might not work.  These animals loved me, I couldn't just give them up like this.  I have been taking care of them for who knows how long. I rummaged through my store thinking of other possibilities of what I could do. I started to realize I didn't have much to offer anyone besides my blood.  My store was going to go out of business any day now, and I wouldn't no what to do with my life. I knew what I had to do.  I opened the door, and slowly let the people trickle into my store.  I knew what I had to do.